SUBARU: to win or lose or die or kill. roll the die, seiichirou. play with me. you always did love a game.

INDOMITABLE, INVIOLATE, INFINITE is a graphic novel about a a serpent priestess attempting to be a human being. and also his go(d) prince girlfriend attempting to escape a life of being hunted until she dies. it's also about games (chess, go, mahjong, dice) and is a metatext about game making, since the serpent priestess is making an obsessive escapist card game immortalizing his life and the people he knows.
seiichirou (he/she, tastefully)
(a god-prince goshawk who is,
at the end of all things, a human being.)
seiichirou likes to play games. she likes to play them with people. he likes to play games with people as pieces and people as opponents. everyone is a kind of paper doll to him. she is in the process of engineering her own HAKONIWA. or, miniature garden.
unfortunately, in this world, he hails from a go family.
(she would have been a great scientist.)
subaru (he/him, reluctantly)
subaru does not like games. he is obsessed with them. this obsession cannot be described as love or like or dislike or hatred. the only word apt to describe it is obsession.
he is inventing a card game.
as a curse technique mechanism to trap ghosts
behind glass like butterflies pinned to a board and displayed.
that's how seiichirou describes it, anyway.
(SUBARU WANTS TO BE A GIRL VERY BADLY. HE WANTS TO BE A REAL GIRL, VERY BADLY. but he can't, so he is making this card game.)
in this life, his working name is LUCKY VU and he chases the girl he loves through mahjong pinch hitting, the Other Kind of "hitting" (HITMAN), and the (mostly legal) go circuit.
in another life, he is the heir to a syndicate family. so he must be a prince, and not a girl. his family would not respect girls like he is unless they play the part of gang princes and kings properly. in that one, he is gang royalty, and the more they cut him out to be a king, he more he wants to be a runaway princess, and the more they make him out to be a dog.